This post summarizes links for those who have not studied numerical integration methods from scratch and are interested in simulation settings in MapleSim (like me).
The MapleSim help pages simulation settings and advanced simulation settings give first guidance for the trained user but do not provide explanations or links for the terms used in the description of the settings (as for example: stiffness, constraint stabilization, constraint projection, events and event iteration,...).
It can easily be overlooked that Maple help pages provide further information for most of the terms. Under the assumption that MapleSim uses the same terminology as Maple, I recommend to first have a look at Maple help topics before consulting the web or other resources. Since searching and retrieving can be time consuming, I made a list of helpful links.
There are still some open points. I would be happy for more links and help in filling these gaps.
How Maple simulates
section 4.1 How MapleSim Simulates a Model
An overview of solvers: ?dsolve,numeric
Differential Algebraic Equation introduction: ?MaplePortal,DAE
Overview of numeric differential-algebraic equation solvers (index reduction, constraint drift, projection):
?examples/numeric_DAE and ?dsolve,numeric,DAE_extension
Stiffness and stiff solvers
Stiffness and stiff IVPs: ?dsolve,Stiffness
Event handling:
section 4.1 How MapleSim Simulates a Model
Event iteration:
section 5.5 Selecting the Code Generation Options
Iteration, hysteresis, Intermediate steps: ?tasks,generatingCode
Hysteresis in value or also in time?
Do variable solvers adapt the value of event hysteresis during runtime?
Baumgarte constraint stabilization, unconstrained dynamics, constrained dynamics
(in combination with ?MapleSim,Multibody,Kinematic_Exports)
section 5.5 Selecting the Code Generation Options
Error control
Absolute error: ?dsolve,numeric,IVP
Relative error: (relative to what?)
Index1 error control and Index1 Tollerance: see solvers
scalemethod (this does not seem to exist in Maple)
Examples (Multibody)
(from MapleSim>Help>Examples>Physical Domains>Multibody)
contact events
Throwing a ball
(from MapleSim>Help>Examples>Physical Domains>Multibody)
conditional events (with boolean logic)
Conservation of energy of a pendulum depends on solvers.
Euler increases energy, implict Euler dissipates energy.
Constraint dirft/projection
2-d rigid slider crank
(from MapleSim>Help>Examples>Physical Domains>Multibody)
projection off leads to assembly desintegration after 2000 s simulation
A stiff solver improves constraint drift, but only delays desintegration
Baumgarte constraint stabilization prevents simulation error but shows dislocated rigid body frames