I use Maple/MapleSim 2016. I have a question about how to save compiled modules as an one set. (Picture below describes my question.)
I use the Maple command "GetCompiledProc" to obtain the compiled module of MapleSim Model. And then, in some cases, I need to make a lot of compiled modules by using one MapleSim model.
(Usually, I make different compiled modules which contain different parameters to others)
For the convenience of using different compiled modules, I want to make these contained in one set whose name is "ModelSet". ("Case1 -> Case2" in the picture)
I tried this, but it did not work. Please see the attached (simple) model and the Maple worksheet in that model.
For example, I want to use Model1(Compiled module 1) by loading that module from the ModelSet[1]. (Similarly, Model2 by loading ModelSet[2].)
However, when I load one of them, it is not the compiled module, but just a "symbol". It does not work as a compiled module any more.
Is there any way to make the "ModelSet" as I want? In fact, I tried to make the type of ModelSet as vector, list, and set, but all of them did not work.
I appreciate any idea you may have.